CNet Downloads... A huge archive of programs.
Executive Software International... Offers payware, shareware, and scaled-down freeware versions of some powerful hard disk management and server appliance utilities (Diskeeper, DiskAlert, SiteKeeper, Undelete, etc.).
Flashback Abandonware... A large collection of old software.
Free Software For DOS... Reviews, descriptions, links to over 600 DOS programs (no games).
GeoCities Computers and Technology: ... Software Avenue.
Locker Gnome... A massive collection of Win 95/98/NT freeware and shareware.
MASM 6.15 available... See how to obtain it for free.
Metropoli... Many programs for HP48, DOS, OS/2, Windows, and Linux. Old versions of DOS, Windows, and related programs.
1A Computer Repair... Technical tips, diagnostic software downloads, etc. Technical tips and discussion forums for all Windows platforms.
BabelFish... Translate to/from English to French, German, Italian, Portugese, or Spanish..... Enter just a URL and it will translate an entire web page!
Basic and Advanced HTML... Help pages on HTML and many links of the same.
BugNet... Software bugs and updates (patches).
Building, Upgrading, and Repairing PCs... 2 On-Line books and a tech FAQs area.
Cool Nerds... Geared toward Web Authors and HTML novices alike.
The Easter Egg Archive... Find out about hidden Easter Eggs galore.
FCC ID# Search... Find who really made that card! The first 3 characters are the prefix.
Filename Extensions... The File Extensions Source.
Filename Extensions... An old, but good glossary of standardized filename extensions.
GameZone Online... Reviews, hints, patches, manufacturer links, etc., for PC games.
MS-DOS Command Index... Syntax's of the MS-DOS commands.
MS-DOS Command Index... An On-Line book of the syntax's of the MS-DOS commands.
PC Technicians Toolbox... A great article for the novice or expert PC techie.
Sean Erwin's Windows 95 FAQ... A very good indexed FAQ covering Win 95 OSR2 (Win 95B).
Tech Advice... Technical advice for hardware, software, you name it.
Version Tracker... Keep up with software upgrades for Apple/Mac and Windows.
Windows NT Resource Center... Includes downloads, discussion forum, and more. Discussion forums for all Windows platforms.
The Driver Zone... Can't find a driver? Browse the board or post a request.
Experts Exchange... Got a programming or PC question? Automatically start with 200 points.
Franks Compware Tech Forum... Mostly covers motherboards.
NetSeller's Tech Board... Mostly covers motherboards.
Programmers' Heaven... A forum for just about every programming language.
VirtualDr Support Forum... Q&A Forums for EVERY type of OS. Registration is free.
Acherons' Home Page... Assembler, Pascal, TPW, and documents.
emu8086... 8086 assembler and emulator for the Windows platform.
Jon Kirwan's Home Page... Assembler and QuickBasic.
Metropoli... Assembler, Basic, C/C++, Pascal, VB.
Micro Images Programming Help... Windows, Mac, Unix, C++, HTML, Java, misc.
Microsoft Developers Network... Registration is free. Tons of programming information!
Moon Beam... Ray Moons' Assembly Language Home Page.
The Pascal + Delphi Page... Programming tutors, examples, downloads, and related links.
Paul Hsieh's Page... Tutors and links for Assembler and C/C++.
Programmers' Heaven... Code, programs, and messageboards for most all programming languages!
Ralph Browns' Interrupt List... The most definitive list of Interrupts that exists. Its' free!
Online HTML of the above... Access, search, print-out portions, etc. of RBIL online!
TEO... Assembler help, source code, and other programming links.
Toby Assembler, C++, and links to other programming Web Sites.
The WEBster Assembly Language Gateway... Randall Hyde's Assembly Language Page.
x86 Processor Information... Completely at the chip level! Includes discussion forum.
Search Box... Search Microsoft's archives.
Select by Operating System... Just follow the folders.
Hardware Compatibility List... A compilation of computers and computer hardware devices that have been extensively tested with the Windows operating systems.
The below are the FTP sites (very fast and no cookies!)...
BTSoftware... Dutch company that will distribute your shareware in Europe, for a modest commission. They collect the monies in their currency and then wire transfer, in US funds, your take on a monthly basis.
Shareware-Australia... Australian company that will distribute your shareware in Australia, for a modest commission. They collect the monies in their currency and then wire transfer, in US funds, your take on a monthly basis.
Hot Uploads... A link page of over 100 US and international freeware/shareware upload sites!
Free Home Page Stuff... Get free Message Boards, Counters, Guest Books, and more.
PortInfo... Need to know the jumper settings for that old modem or sound card? Are the document files long gone? Try this shareware program, it works!! (NOTE: This link is now dead. Does anyone know what happened to this company?)
Prolix... A FREE Windows (3.1 and 95/NT versions) text editor! Is a self-contained program (no .DLLs', etc.). Edit files up to 16MB in size and more!
⌐ 1997
⌐ 2001